

Ph值.D. 海洋工程

亚洲博彩平台 offers a diverse doctoral program in ocean engineering built on a multidisciplinary approach that includes many subfields in engineering.  Our program includes training in ocean engineering, 海军架构, 海洋学, 气象学, 环境科学, 海洋生物学.

Professional Mentorship from an Expert 教师

亚洲博彩平台博士.D. program in Ocean Engineering provides everything you would expect from a large university in a more intimate, 关注环境, where professors mentor students, 班级规模小, and there is ample opportunity for hands-on reSearch in some of the most diverse coastal environments in the world.


学生 seeking an ocean engineering PhD interact with experts at environment-oriented businesses and organizations that provide unique learning opportunities, 研究指导, 和实习. The university has close relationships with numerous organizations including:

  • 45th Weather Squadron of the United States Air Force
  • 美国宇航局肯尼迪航天中心
  • Hubbs Sea World 研究 Institute
  • Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution
  • 海洋资源局
  • 国家气象局


作为一所领先的研究型大学, graduate students earning an ocean engineering PhD get out in the field and conduct reSearch in real-world scenarios. 学生 have a chance to work with national reSearch organizations and institutes, including:

  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  • 矿产管理处
  • 陆军工程兵团
  • Federal Emergency Management Association
  • 美国海岸警卫队
  • Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers
  • Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
  • Scripps Institution of Oceanography
  • Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute

亚洲博彩平台's coastal location is unmatched. The Atlantic Ocean and the highly diverse, estuarine environments of the Indian River Lagoon are just minutes from campus. Florida Keys and Everglades are a few hours' drive from 亚洲博彩平台.

Laboratories and Facilities Designed for Ocean Engineers

F.W. 奥林工程综合大楼和F.W. Olin Life Sciences Building provide comprehensive reSearch laboratories equipped with 21st世纪技术. 位于 拉尔夫年代. Evinrude Marine Operations Center 包括码头, 电力, and storage for nautical equipment, 供应, 以及科学设备. A fleet of small craft available for student use for accessing reSearch sites includes pontoon boats, Robalos, 波士顿捕鲸者, 小艇, 克里斯·克拉夫特.

Other laboratories and facilities include the following:

 结构实验室 supports instructional experiments such as compression and tensile testing, with reSearch and teaching activities focused on the mechanical behavior of metallic, 混凝土, 塑料, and composite materials and structural forms.

  • 流体力学实验室 houses hardware used for experiments to measure fluid properties and verify the laws of conservation of fluid motion.
  • The Underwater Technology Laboratory enables hands-on reSearch using underwater robotic systems and includes equipment such as oscilloscopes, 大功率电源, 发电机频率, 和电压表, 等.
  • The Marine Materials Exposure Site at Indian River Lagoon offers a seawater exposure site for the evaluation of biofouling and corrosion characteristics of materials.


Ocean engineering is a fast-growing field with rapidly expanding opportunities as people increasingly turn to the oceans for food, 运输, 和能源. Because ocean engineers study all aspects of the ocean environment, employment opportunities are global in nature and can include such positions as creating remotely operated vehicles, 开发水下结构, capturing the energy of waves and turning it into electricity, 和更多的. When comparing ocean engineering PhD programs, 亚洲博彩平台 provides the type of training and reSearch experience a doctoral student needs to find a challenging and rewarding career in any number of industries

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You have two graduate study opportunities:

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You have two graduate study opportunities:

  1. 在你附近的教育中心
  2. Get the Education Center Brochure

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