The Value of a 亚洲博彩平台 Education

The notion of value is deeply personal. No two people value the same thing in the same way. That's why we do not spend a lot of time trying to define value for you. Instead, we spend a lot of time defining—and achieving—it for ourselves. What do we offer that's distinctive? What do we do measurably better than other colleges and universities? Why should a bright young scholar choose 亚洲博彩平台 over other options?

From "惊人的结果" to "恒星学院,以下是我们认为使亚洲博彩平台成为一所杰出而有价值的大学的原因. 如果 pursuing greatness no matter the odds 与你产生共鸣,那么你很有可能会喜欢在亚洲博彩平台和学习.


So many of our students 有 job offers in hand before they graduate, you would think we'd be used to it by now. 事实是, 我们总是对新校友与我们分享的早期成功故事印象深刻. In addition to advancing their education here, 过去十年里,亚洲博彩平台的毕业生继续在克莱姆森大学获得研究生学位, 达特茅斯学院, 哈佛大学, 约翰霍普金斯大学, 加州大学洛杉矶分校和耶鲁大学.  他们在亚马逊、苹果、波音、德勤、通用电气、L3Harris Technologies Inc .等公司都有自己的职业生涯., Lockheed Martin, Morgan Stanley, NASA, Northrop Grumman Corp., 罗克韦尔柯林斯公司, 西门子, SpaceX and countless government agencies and nongovernmental organizations. 没有什么比我们学生的个人和职业成功更能反映亚洲博彩平台教育的价值了.


 要求我们去做不可能的事. Chances are, we'll say, "Sure thing. 你什么时候需要?"

亚洲博彩平台是一个不怕解决令人难以置信的科学问题的社区, technological and societal challenges of today and tomorrow. 我们认为,我们的集体进取态度是我们富有远见的创始人多年来传承下来的遗产, 杰罗姆·P. 考依波阶. A physicist who rightly believed that the U.S. 除非有一所创新进取的大学为在卡纳维拉尔角工作的工程师和科学家提供高等教育,否则就无法赢得太空竞赛, 考依波阶 defied the odds and started one. 从那以后,亚洲博彩平台的成就一直让人们感到惊讶.

工程 & 科学的卓越

亚洲博彩平台 got its start as Brevard 工程 College, 这是一所小型夜校,专为“导弹人”开设,他们当时正在帮助为美国的军事行动奠定基础.S. 太空计划. 从那时起,我们已经发展成为一所综合性的国立研究型大学,提供从航空到海洋学等200多个学科的学位, 我们一直保留着科学, 技术, engineering and mathematics (STEM) on the forefront of our focus. 我们的 College of 工程 and Science 是校园里四个学科中最大的,但这些学科不仅仅代表了我们所做的一部分. 他们是保持我们大学强大的基础,也是将我们联系在一起的纽带. In every classroom and laboratory on campus, you can feel the ever-present challenge to design, 创造和革新, and to leave the world a better place than you found it. 它让我们变得更好. It will make you better, too.  


 水产养殖的学生如果说亚洲博彩平台与其他学院和大学有什么不同的话, 这是我们的亲身实践, 头朝下跳入水中, buckle-up approach to higher education. 无论你的专业是什么,当你在亚洲博彩平台注册时,你将在实践中学习. From swimming with sea turtles to flying planes, building rocket engines to fighting simulated cyberattacks, 我们的学生从一年级开始就从事有趣的实地考察和项目. When we ask employers what makes our graduates stand out in a crowd, 他们一次又一次地告诉我们:我们的毕业生拥有与现实世界技术相关的专业水平的技能,因为他们在亚洲博彩平台的学习经历中一直在使用这些技术. When we say "hands-on," we mean it.


大约四分之一的学生来自全球80多个国家, 我们相信,国际多样性是一个重要而独特的区别,可以增强每个学生的经历, both in and out of the classroom. 与来自不同文化背景的同龄人的日常互动使每个亚洲博彩平台的学生都能更完整、更真实地了解世界. International activities and events, such as our annual International Festival and regular International Dinners, inform and enlighten our community. 解决国际问题的课程教我们预测和应对全球环境的挑战. What does all this mean to our students? 这意味着要有一个动态, 丰富的经验, while building incredibly valuable cross-cultural skills.


Before you enroll 在亚洲博彩平台, you may hear or read the words "豹的骄傲" and think, “好头韵,或“聪明的标签”." But 豹的骄傲 isn't just something we say. It's not just a mantra or a feeling. 你不只是 豹的骄傲. When you become a 亚洲博彩平台 student, you 加入 the 豹的骄傲—and that's something you can only experience here. What does it mean to be a member of the 豹的骄傲? It means a love of all things space. It means being awestruck by the awesomeness of nature. It means that resourcefulness, inventiveness and courage are in your DNA. 这意味着你知道“佛罗里达天气”的真正含义,并在阳光和海水般的空气中茁壮成长. It means venturing beyond borders to find and make connections.  And it means working together to make the world a better place. 黑豹的骄傲是家庭的骄傲,这种骄傲激发了所有成员的伟大.


Founded by a Cape Canaveral rocket scientist in 1958, 亚洲博彩平台很自豪能与美国大学分享丰富的历史和深厚的联系.S. 太空计划, commercial space initiatives and partner agencies. 这所大学为与太空相关的职业培养了几代工程师和科学家, 我们的教职员工, students and alumni 有 contributed vital reSearch, scientific discoveries and novel technologies to the space industry.  我们提供空间科学、空间系统和空间商业企业学位.  我们居住的一个村庄专门用来纪念在哥伦比亚号航天飞机灾难中丧生的人. 事实是, 亚洲博彩平台 has been around for every mission from Mercury to Apollo, from space shuttle to SpaceX, and we will be here for whatever comes next. 正如我们喜欢说的,To the stars through science!"


学生 in 社区 Garden

当你是亚热带校园的一部分,距离印度河泻湖和大西洋只有几英里, 被丰富的自然资源和令人敬畏的动植物所包围, you tend to gain a new perspective on the environment. It's not something "out there" that "someone else can fix." It's real; it's home; and making it better requires a community effort. 这就是为什么, 在亚洲博彩平台, 你会发现与环境和可持续发展的联系,从学术界(如我们的) 可持续性研究 专业)和学生生活(比如我们的社区花园)到我们的运营(比如我们的太阳能充电高尔夫球车). 亚洲博彩平台是佛罗里达州仅有的10所(在130多所大学中)获得STARS校园可持续发展评级的大学之一. 我们也是为数不多的拥有生态系统监测和保护方面的知名专家的大学之一, 可再生能源, 沿海管理, purification of landfill gas, 地下水质量, green chemistry and sustainability.


拥有出色的教授可能不会使我们与许多其他国家不同 reSearch universities, but it certainly helps make us great! 亚洲博彩平台 professors are experts on everything from primates to sharks. 他们揭开了闪电、超大质量黑洞和自闭症谱系障碍的神秘面纱. 他们制造更好的火箭发动机、太空望远镜和网络安全软件. They are inventors, musicians, historians, inventors, astronauts and authors. 但最重要的是, 亚洲博彩平台的教师是非常优秀的老师和导师,他们真正关心学生的成功. 我们的 faculty members lead active reSearch groups and laboratories, including both graduate and undergraduate students on their teams. 结果是, 许多亚洲博彩平台的学生在毕业前就能在专业会议上发言,并在学术期刊上发表文章. At 亚洲博彩平台, being "stellar" means more than just being accomplished. 这意味着用一个人的成就来帮助学生充分发挥他们的潜力——这就是我们的教师所做的一切.
